Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still Playing House

I know, it's been a looooooooonng time. But I am not giving up!! Still learning to balance my job and house stuff and still have some little bit of time left for my blogging. I came up with a vignette for the mantel and I REALLY LIKED IT. Just a mixture of neato stuff I have around taking up space in other places. I really have enjoyed the little girl bust. do you notice her necklace and tiara? We were sitting watching TV one evening just as the sun was starting to go down, and look what happened!! The sweet little princess is in the spotlight! It only lasted a few minutes and then it was gone. I grapped my camera to try to catch the image.
Still need to do something about the fan, don't I?

Hope you all had a great Memorial weekend. We throughly enjoyed it, but really did not do anything big. Just stayed home and worked on stuff in the yard and our NEW deck. Pictures soon to follow. Darling DH just outdid himself on this one!! It is sooooo beautiful and will be so nice to entertain outside.

I got a painting table set up in the garage and started spraying away all those great thrift store finds. I think I have about four or five boxes of miscellaneous items that need to go white or ORB. So, I got a pretty good start on it.

Most of my planting is done, may add a few more pots to the deck, but for the most part it is finished. The weather was just wonderful and it was so refreshing to just spend more time outside.

Until next time, be blessed and happy dear friends.

Singing His Praises,
