I am so grateful for a loving family and husband who is my best friend on this earth. We have a new grandbaby we are anxious to see soon. This time we have a BOY to go along with the eight little girls in our lives!! What a blessing grandchildren are!! We watched a Hallmark movie today and one of the characters said that children "force" you to live in the moment because that is how they live. I am continually striving to get better at living in the moment, aren't you?
Schedules are usually begging to be broken so the fun can begin.
I want to work at letting it be okay that I did not do everything on my expected task list every day.
I am grateful that I have a loving Heavenly Father who always has time to fit me into his schedule if I will just show up....
Hope to visit with you more in the future, dear friends.
Singing His Praises,
Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth and good Will toward Men.